Stained Glass Signage Beautifies Salt Lake City Stores & Restaurants

Stained Glass Signage Beautifies Salt Lake City Stores & Restaurants

Set your store or restaurant apart from the competition with a beautiful stained glass sign from Salt Lake City Stained Glass. Stained glass signs are strike the perfect balance between classy and contemporary and are the perfect way to create a vintage or antique look for your business. They add elegance and beauty to any type or style of architecture, making them perfect for retail stores, restaurants, and hotels alike.

Why stained glass for your restaurant or store sign?

Think about it this way. Imagine that you’re casually walking down the street in a shopping center or mall. You pass by a bunch of stores that all look the same because they’re likely to be selling all the same products. If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all right? But then, a sparkle of light catches your eye. It’s a stained glass sign hanging from a vintage clothing store. This store looks like it might be different than the rest so you go in.

This is exactly the experience that many of your customers have. You need to give people a reason to walk through your door. And while outside advertising is definitely a good idea, the most powerful tool you have is already in your hands -it’s your physical storefront. That’s why having a storefront that stands out is key.

Stained glass signs accomplish exactly this. Stained glass has a unique ability to catch and reflect light. It’s shiny and gets your attention very quickly. And once you see it, you’re going to take a while to look at all the details. That means while a passerby is admiring the stained glass, they’re also staring right at the name of your business. That’s effective advertising.

And stained glass can be completely customized.

Perhaps the best part of choosing stained glass for your business signage is that it can be completely customized. When it comes to stained glass, you don’t have to compromise style or appearance because the design options are literally endless. Your stained glass sign can be created with any color, image, or design you desire, allowing you to authentically represent your business.

Get an estimate on a stained glass sign in Salt Lake City.

Get a custom stained glass sign for your Salt Lake City restaurant, retail store, or commercial property. Call Salt Lake City Stained Glass to receive an estimate or schedule an appointment for a free onsite consultation today.

Martin Faith is a talented artist, visionary, and collector of antique stained glass windows. Prior to moving to the United States, Martin worked as a stained glass artisan in Glasgow. There, he spent many years cultivating his skills and learning the techniques and history behind the centuries old art form. Today, he is the proud owner of Salt Lake City Stained Glass, the largest and most highly renowned stained glass studio in Utah. Over the past 30 years, Martin and his team have produced over 50,000 stained and leaded glass windows ranging in size, style, and appearance. His company has been highlighted on various media outlets including HGTV, the DIY Network, CBS, and NBC.

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